
Editorial Photography
Portrait of First Nations Elder Sharon Bryant in Terrace, BC
When working photography assignments with First Nations people for BC Housing, I find one notable aspect of each official announcement is the Land Acknowledgement and the formal welcome by an elder of the community. Photographing First Nations Elders This is a portrait of First Nations Elder Sharon Bryant in Terrace, BC. She welcomed us to...
MC Sonia Beeksma poses for the camera at Room to Read fundraiser event
It was a pleasure to support such an important charity with event photography at the Room to Read Gala. Spread out over several rooms through the Terminal City Club, presenters spoke about stories of success and ongoing challenges. Guests moved from room to room and volunteers treated them like VIPs. Then everyone moved into the...
The mingling crowd at the Flight Centre Gala in Vancouver
Always the best party of the year to photograph. This work hard/play hard crowd know how to get down. Enjoy these highlights of the Flight Centre Gala event photography.
A butcher selling viscera in Mercado Juarez, Oaxaca City
Going on vacation isn’t about taking a break from my camera. That would be like taking a break from my eyes, my perspective. If anything, travel and new experiences inform my style and clarify what interests me. Clearly it is people. This time it is the people of Oaxaca, Mexico featured in my enduring love...
Real Madrid | PR event Vanouver
PR Event Photography for Real Madrid Working with Jive PR + Digital, we provided event photography of the Real Madrid Foundation press conference. They announced soccer clinics coming to BC this summer. Players six to 16 will receive 90 minutes of coaching per day for five days this July in Burnaby, Surrey and North Vancouver....
Creative Mornings Volunteer at SFU
Goldthorpe Centre for the Arts | Event Photography This month’s Creative Mornings, with speaker Barrie Mowatt, piqued my interest. The Vancouver Biennale brings public art to the city for many of the same reasons Creative Mornings meets every month. It is an opportunity to engage with the community and to learn. Also much like Creative...
drag performers kiss a fan at the Rio Theatre
Getting backstage of a drag show and capturing the vibe with my brand of event photography is totally my jam. When Fou Fou Ha! (a travelling drag show from Dallas, Texas) asked me to capture their performance for a social media push, I was on it! When photographing a cast of performers I have just...
Red Carpet Event Photography | Vancouver, BC
Cinephiles dress up and line up for their Oscars red carpet photos at The Rio. First come, first served at this live, free event that always caps out. If you don’t come early, you don’t get a seat! The show isn’t just on the screen. Everyone is encouraged to dress up. This is part of...
candid event photography | Pan Pacific, Vancouver
Participating in the Small Business BC Awards is a great way to raise the profile of a business. Even just getting nominated is a PR and marketing opportunity.  Why participate? Once nominated, each business is encouraged to engage with their communities and canvas for votes. This is an incredible opportunity for small businesses to introduce...
Videographer films a wielder in his shop
Rebranding and Advertising Strategy As part of the rebranding process and advertising strategy for the North Peace Savings and Credit Union, I traveled with Art Director Stu Ross all around Fort St. John collecting stories about credit union members and how a specific understanding of the local economy and community made NPSC their financial institution of...
Flight Centre employees celebrate on stage at the sales gala event
Each year Flight Centre invites us back to cover their gala, it is a privilege and pleasure to provide event photography. The work hard/ play hard ethic of this company really comes together at this event as their top performers are recognized, rewarded & cheered on stage. This is easily the biggest party of the...
Stéphane Mouttet speaks at Interesting Vancouver 2013
Last week saw another sold out edition of Interesting Vancouver at the Museum of Vancouver. This was my third year of involvement with this great event, bringing together a multi-disciplinary audience and range of speakers to talk about all things interesting. If you came with an open mind, odds are you left with fresh ideas,...
Stu Ross in Fort St. John, BC
Last week I worked on a corporate video with Stu Ross up in Fort St. John, BC. Here are a few behind-the-scenes shots I managed during our 2.5 day running gun battle.
Devil May Wear | Fall Fashion 2013
Since we are officially into the fall weather, I figured it was time I posted this fall fashion shoot I shot for Devil May Wear. This shoot took place on a blustery day so all of our original location scouting had to be thrown out the window for fear of everyone and everything getting blown away....
Haney Neptunes swim meet 2013
With over 400 swimmers participating in the Haney Neptunes Enerex Invitational Swim Meet, the real challenge this day was negotiating the throngs of children around the pool and keeping our camera gear dry. My legs and feet got soaked but thankfully no cameras were harmed in the production of this video. One camera that did really...
Mark Brand behind Save On Meats
  Walking through the back of Save On Meats and hanging out in the alley with one of his chefs, it struck me how Mark Brand has a genuine rapport with, and knows the names of, his people. That’s pretty impressive for a guy who owns as many businesses as he does. And when he isn’t...
  Our mission was to capture fun in the sun for the 21st Annual Memorial Golf Tournament, hosted by Pacific Coastal Airlines! Last year it raised a record $35,245 for the Source Club of Powell River, an organization that provides educational and life skills programs to persons with mental illness. This year Pacific Coastal added the NEC Native Education College as...
 Taking “ideas worth spreading” into the brand of Vancouver’s newest TEDx event. WHAT The roll out for TEDxStanleyPark needed a team lead to collaborate with the branding and social media teams and take ownership of the visuals – still and motion images. The organizing and strategy teams were small and independent and the creative latitude I was...
Portrait of Natacha Beim for Creative Mornings
I’ve never seen a renowned education expert do a little dance and shout ‘whoo!’ on stage, imitating a wild child, but Natacha Biem‘s experience with kids as an early development educator totally sold it. Her talk last week at Creative Mornings wasn’t just funny but pointed with optimism towards a better way to motivate and educate our children to...
Dynamix Agitators
In creating compelling images for engineers on-site, the balance between aesthetics, capturing scope and straight up documentation can be fun and challenging. Here is the final stage of assembly for three giant mixers that will agitate anything from asphalt to cosmetics in three-story tall containers.
Miles End Motors Party
There is something about a media wall at a party that makes everyone a rock star. Here a fun moment with Miles End Motors Director, David Bentil, with one of his hard working associates. Below is just one of the hot wheels on display just outside the event.
photo student photographing model
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of mentoring, which has forced me to examine and step outside of my process. If you think you know something, try explaining it to someone else. They will question it or take it and do something completely unexpected. It’s good to have answers but not necessarily all of them...
David Paetkau | Flashpoint Finale
After five seasons of procedural drama and SWAT team action, the series finale of Flashpoint aired last week. I was fortunate to meet and photograph actor David Paetkau before he took off to Toronto to start filming the series.
Mayor Gregor Robertson shares a laugh with Creative Mornings Vancouver
The WestEnder wrote a nice piece with this photo on Mayor Gregor Robertson’s talk at Creative Mornings Vancouver.
Illustrator Sunny Shah at Living Blueprint talk on Irresistible Branding by David Childs
Sunny Shah is a talented art student at Emily Carr, who was the first in a series of illustrators to breath life into the concept of The LeotArtist. Zipped into a full-body morphsuit, Sunny created the visual element during a talk on Irresistible Branding by David Childs. This live art aspect took the audience well...
Vikram Vij, Top Chef and champion of Indian Cuisine
Actually, I could only fit a few of Vikram’s accolades in the title. The list is long. After hearing him speak last week at Creative Mornings, I understand why. Now I feel like I’ve been depriving myself of Vancouver’s culinary treasures. Time to go pop my cherry, either in restaurant or at the new food...
Firemen at Broadway & Price Edward
A large pile of rubble is all that remains of my favourite chinese supermarket – Thuan Phat. The Globe & Mail has written a great summary of the progression of the blaze. I’m a bit used to running around backstage or behind-the-scenes, so the cops had to eventually shoo me away while I was grabbing...
Sea to Sky Highway GranFondo 2012
As part of the GranFondo cycling event, I had the pleasure of putting together some great teams to help create this amazing poster by Station X. We shot portraits of the GranFondo participants as they registered, ran them through mosaic software to create a larger image, rushed a run of posters and then distributed the posters at...
portrait of old men
This is Pete and Bob, neighbours in Rock Inlet – a half hour flight out of Port Hardy into the middle of nowhere. Pete lives on a flotilla of barges, cobbled together by planks and rope, complete with a foundry, workshop, greenhouse, two-story home, recreation barge & gift shop. If he needs anything, he literally can just make it....
Travel Smart campaign sign
An image I shot for Modo: The Car Coop has found new life in this Travel Smart campaign! So far it has been spotted on Skytrains and the Travel Smart website. Personally, I’m an evangelist for car sharing programs and am really happy to see them gaining traction in Vancouver and across the nation. Just...
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Trevor Jansen