Raising rates is a simple yet touchy reality for every business. So when Modo the Car Co-op needed to make this announcement, they called on us for a portrait and headshot session to portray their Board Treasurer, Greg Freeman. Greg is a dedicated co-op member and family man, sensitive to the rising cost of living. Conveying that the co-op is maintaining its values and responsibilities was of the utmost importance.
We chose the Olympic Village as our location for this portrait and headshot session because it conveyed a few key messages. First, the village visualized a dense, urban environment with limited street parking. Second, we wanted a modern visual cue for living that rethinks car ownership. Third, we wanted to depict a shared use vehicle in its intended environment.
These are the shots that went out in the member email update, explaining the changes and actually streamlined the fees so they were easier to understand and calculate. The headshots will also be used in professional profiles such as LinkedIn.
How is your organization using visual communication to get out your message on-brand and ahead of the competition?